Meditating on World Values

World Values are what we value for the world, or what we believe are essentially important for the world. Values can also be understood as Ideals for the world to manifest. As well, Values can be understood as Principles to guide our decisions and actions in relation to people, communities, nations, or the whole world.

Some examples of world values are goodwill, cooperation, harmony, human rights, justice, or even beauty. A longer list might include: Peace, Safety, Nonviolence, Cooperation, Goodwill, Harmony, Human Rights, Fairness, Justice, Freedom, Democracy, Open Debate, Education, Skills, Tools and Opportunities, Food, Water and Shelter for all. In relation to our planet and biosystem, the Values of Earth Stewardship, Eco-diversity, and Sustainable Resources are actually necessary for the continuance of life.

Three kinds of meditations on World Values are:
a) meditating to realise a World Value

b) meditating to understand a World Value

c) meditating to inspire and strengthen a World Value
in the sphere of human thought

And of course, these can be combined.

To meditate with an aim of realising a World Value:
Let your mind be open to realising or having a vision of an important Value (or Ideal) for the world to express in social and political relations. Be receptive to what your heart or your intuition or your highest reasoning knows is right and best for the whole world. You enter into a state of receptivity to your highest and deepest Intuition of Great Values to live by and the highest Ideals for humanity.

To help foster this receptive Intuition, you could reflect upon the question,
*What is a Great Value (Principle or Ideal)
that would be Good for the whole world?

Another question might be,
*What is a Principle to help guide
social relations and governments?

When you have realised one of the great world values, ideals or principles, or when you have a certain value in mind, then you can proceed to the next stage of meditation which is to 'radiate' or 'send forth' this Value into the collective 'thought-field of humanity'.

You will be sending forth this Value-Ideal as a Thought or as an Idea,
or it could also be sent out as a Vision or Image. Each person will discover their own way to share this Value throughout the world. One way is to 'think it' into the world. Another way is to 'visualise' or 'envision' it into the world. But know you are not trying to force this Ideal into people's minds; rather, you are sharing this great Ideal, Value or Vision with everyone else, while knowing in yourself how important and life-benefiting this is.
In a sense, you are 'inspiring' the world with the greatness and beauty
of this world-value, this ideal or this principle.

Also in meditation it is possible to realise practical and creative ideas for the world, or for solving a particular problem, and this can be fostered by
a will to understand how to solve this particular problem along with an intentional receptivity to intuitively realise a beneficial idea or solution. Then, once you have a helpful idea in mind or a great idea for the world, you can send this idea out into the world with love and 'plant it' in the collective mind of humanity.

Thus, the two fundamental stages in this Values-meditation are:
a) realising a World Value
b) sending it out, or mentally sharing it with everyone in the world

This 'world service work' involves the thinking and envisioning mind,
creative thinking and creative visualisation for the Good of the World.

An optional middle stage can be added into this service meditation, which is to improve the clarity and understanding of this Value or Idea; because a clearer and better understanding of an idea will clarify and strengthen its potency in the world. Yet this will require an added degree of mental concentration and effort, so you might only work with this stage occasionally.

This stage could be called 'thoughtful reflection', wherein you are clarifying and improving your understanding of a Value, Ideal or Principle. In this stage you will be using your thinking mind, using reasoning but also intuition. This will be a time of reflecting on the 'meaning' and the 'positive benefits' of this Value, and also reflecting on your responsibility, or 'what can I do', to help this great Value manifest in the world.

The intention in this reflective stage to learn more about this Value and understand it better – its importance, its benefits, its beauty and its basis in love. This is a time for clarification and recognition, using reasoning and logic, but also using intuition and the creative imagination. Then, besides understanding more about this Value, you can also think about how to help manifest or express it, or think about your own responsibility in bringing this great Value into manifestation.

Here are five steps that may be helpful in this service work:

A Value can be especially empowered by visualising it happening
and by affirming its importance. Visualise more and more people, including groups and nations, recognising and manifesting this Value.
Also, affirm the importance of this Value in your own life and in the world, and affirm your own responsibility in manifesting this.

The manifestation of a Value can also be strengthened by its clarification and understanding. To help in the process of clarifying and understanding a Value, here are some helpful thinking-questions regarding the meaning, value, and responsibility of a Value.




In summary, meditating on important Values and Ideals is a way to help the world. Through conscious service-oriented meditation, and by using a combination of thinking and visualisation, we can clarify and strengthen great spiritual Values and Ideals in the thought-field of humanity.

Values transform and shape the world to be – to the extent that the Value becomes realized, affirmed and actualized. And as we reflect and meditate upon important Values, our understanding resonates into the minds and hearts of humanity, to transform the world into the best it can be.

Thus, we can help in the spiritual evolution of humanity by meditating
on key Values, Ideals, Visions and Ideas. We can help bring about new awakenings, construct positive visions, and help solve world problems.

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